Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Times they are a changing

Funny as I go through life I would think that I have things down. That life would not have the ability to get me down...but it does. Even if it is for a millisecond or a moment or two..things not being the way I'm accustomed to them being ....well its getting old. When put to the test ...knowing full well that some tests you cannot or afford to fail.....this is one of them! I have to rely on my covenant relationship with God to sustain me. This would not be time for doubt or fear...but to keep my eyes are the prize. T o keep smiling...if only by faith...its a must...I must believe that all I've gone and will continue to go through is all apart of His master plan for my life. No matter how hard it gets...God is still in control.. I've learned to encourage myself and keep smiling. there is a time and season for it all. Nothing can stay the same forever...I'm glad about that right about now! LOL....a change is coming!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Staying focused!

I believe that God has a sense of humor! Whenever I think I have things under control or well within my ability....he throws me a fast ball! Success is for me and there are going to be peaks and valleys. I must stay focused on the prize. It doesn't matter if things are perfect the realization has to be that God is good and faithful. Its easy to have pity parties or to fall in depths of despair but these are merely the times when character is revealed and built. I know who I am and more importantly whose I am. God cannot and will not fail.

I refuse to be distracted. I am staying focused!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Glad to be alive

With each day we grow and we learn what more could you ask for out of life. Life is precious treat each day as the gift it is. Enjoy and live your life.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

There are days thatmake you reflective..Father's day is that day for me. Whn my parents divorced when I was twelve I believed it was for the Dad was abusive to my mom and me and my brother. Little did I know that that relationship or lack thereof with my Dad would mold and shape me for the rest of my life. Never would I have imagined how "green" my evyes still can get when I see someone who has a loving relationship with their Dad. Why not me? Why when he left my mom did he leave us too. I know he left physically but I did not expect him to leave emotionally. So now today at 41 I try not to be that hurt little girl but embrace and love. My Dad is deceased and my heavenly Father has taking the lead role in my life. His love is unwavering, unconditional and never ending. For the first time in my life I am whole and its because of his love. God's love. Happy Father's day....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

a new day......still Green!

I am officially a Nfl fan but since moving to LA I have been swept into the NBA. For better or worse I am an East coast fan! Lol..but Boston gave them a run for their money tonight. Good game Celtics.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

There are many things in life that make us who we are. Many things that shape
us into being the people we are today. Both good and bad they shape us. They mold us.
Our thoughts, our character, the way we look at life. Are we better or worse?
If it were not for my belief in God I would be worse. It is my faith that sustains me.
It is my faith and belief in God that gives the strength to be good to those that aren't good to me.
I am better for every mountain that dared to stand in my way. It has no ability to make me weak
but it makes me stronger. Each day that I awaken and I still have fight left for another day.